Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Operation Jiggly Bits Week 4

Wow, week 4 already???

Not too much to report. Dropped a pound, but no inches. Not to surprising for me, it's still in my normal range.

Weight: 117 lbs
Waist: 25 in
Hips: 32.5 in

I'm starting to notice my muscle definition coming back in my arms and abs, yay! I have 2 months until the beach, so I have 2 months until I need to feel confident in my 2 pieces. :-) Although tank top season is much closer, so I need to start stepping up my arm workouts!


Brooke said...

don't you love that - when you can look at your body and see the product of all your hard work :)

Serendipity said...

Ugh. Italmost time to hit the beach again and lay out by the pool. *starts doing squats* Your doing great!