Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Closet Make-Over! Thankfulness Day 6 - Nov. 16th Spending

Total spent...$0! Woohoo!!!

I am thankful for my Net group girls. I lead a Bible study on Monday nights and the girls in my group are awesome! We all come from different stages in life, married, single, college, careers etc. but we all get along and support each other. They are amazing and I am so lucky to have them in my life!

As I mentioned before, I worked on my closet this weekend. It used to be organized, neat and clean. But over time I got lazy and things fell apart. This is what it looked like on Saturday morning when I woke up:

The crates on the top are broken, which sent things flying to the ground. You can't see in the picture all the swimsuits and stuff that are currently residing on the floor OUTSIDE the closet. Yup, I couldn't even close my doors! Anything I was too lazy to put away ended up on the floor of the closet.

So after about an hour or two of folding, putting things back together, breaking a nail, and borrowing some of hubby's height for assistance, this is how my closet turned out!

I think I may have a little OCD (maybe it's just years of working in retail?), my tee's and hoodies have to be folded 'properly'. And yes, I basically have a hoodie in every color, guilty pleasure.
I'm lucky that my college wardrobe (see above picture), was able to be carried over for my career wardrobe. I am lucky enough that I can wear said tee's and hoodies to work! I do like to dress nice too, but sometimes it's not worth dealing with the comments all day of why I look so nice and where am I going after work.

Just like the top shelf house all my hoodies and tees, the bottom holds an eclectic array of stuff. The back left corner (which you can't really see), is a box that holds all my bags (overnight bags, purses etc.). Next to it, in the middle is a big, blue tub for my sweaters. When it finally gets and stays cold, it will probably find a new home in the corner next to my closet so it's easier to look through. In the back right corner is a box with all my sweat pants and PJ bottoms. In front of the box are 2 baskets, one for bras and one for panties (don't worry, I placed a t-shirt on top of each of them for the picture). :-) Beside them, in the front middle is a bin full of socks. I HATE to match socks! It's so much more fun to walk around with an orange and green sock. That bin (and another one which is in hubby's closet) came with the crates on the top shelf...$5 for all of that at Bed, Bath and Beyond last fall! Lastly, the green tub in the front left corner holds my camis and cuddle duds. Oh, and yes, there is also a step stool in my closet. I can't reach the top without. :-) An old roomie gave it to my in my old apartment.

How does your closets look?


Brooke said...

nothing is more beautiful then a well organized closet!

me in millions said...

Organization warms my heart. The closet looks great!

Kasey at Thrifty Little Blog said...

I love a closet makeover- yours looks great!

I just got one of those IKEA wardrobes, so I'm spoiled with drawers and organizers :).