Monday, November 16, 2009

Thankfulness Day 3-5 -and Nov. 13-15th Spending

I am thankful for sisters. Growing up all I ever wanted was a sister. Okay, maybe not ALL I wanted, but you know what I mean. My parents took in a Russian girl, who I now consider my sister, plus when I got married I got to new sisters. :-) They are all the best!!!

I'm also thankful for my in-laws. I have been blessed to have the most wonderful in-laws! They are all fantastic, and they get along great with my family! What more could a gal ask for?

I'm grateful for warm weather in the middle of November! Sunday was 70 degrees! Jeans and a tee shirt, gotta love it!

This was another spend-y weekend. Friday night was a no spend day! But Saturday after tackling my closet (pictures to come), we hit up Goodwill, a discount grocery store (spending $13.xx) Dollar Tree for stuff for hubby's school ($3.18), and lastly stop at Bed Bath and Beyond and buy new towels for $38.xx. Hubby also was craving pizza and wings, and so he ordered some when he was in the other room ($17.01).

Sunday we did the rest of our grocery shopping and spent $22.xx.

New week, new spending, right?


Brooke said...

the weather around here has been perfect too!!

Serendipity said...

I can't wait to see your closet. (I love closet makeovers. :) )

me in millions said...

Sisters are the best! And it's nice to take some time to think about what we are grateful for.