I'm back!!! I had a super awesome, fun weekend, and spent way too much money. :-)
I believe that Friday was the only no spend day of the weekend madness. We left almost immediately after work to head to the rehearsal dinner which was fun. Everything was at the house we were staying at, so we had to make sure everything was put away and covered over night. We got to bed around midnight and got up around 4 to get started on hair and making sure everything was perfect for the ceremony...including drying off the chairs and cleaning up bird poop. :-) It was a gorgeous day and everything went super smooth.
After the wedding, we went shopping at the outlets, and then to the mall with my momma. We spent $57 at Gap and $30 at Kohl's. Hubby got 2 pairs of shorts and a workout shirt, and I got 2 cardigan's, a sweater T, a T-shirt and a tank.
Sunday hubby hit the outlets again and bought 2 shirts at AE for $20 and got gas for $35. We had a family picnic at my parents house and had tons of fun! We played lawn darts in which I suck, and a bocci ball game with 8 people that I won! :-)
Monday we slept in, then went to CVS and bought almost $40 worth of stuff for $11 and received $6 in ECB's. Hubby also went to a baseball game last night so I'm not sure what his total damage was, but I believe it's between $15-$20.
It was a terrific weekend, even if it was exhausting and expensive. I'm going to be dragging all week, but it was definately worth it! I'll have to see if I can crop any of the pictures to show how lovely it was! Oh, and they had 2 doves released at the ceremony. I've never seen it before, but it was super cool.
Returned (a while ago!)
4 months ago
i missed the cvs two day sales - but i did some outlet shopping of my own :) sounds like yall got some great deals.
the weddding sounded great--which is always nice for the bride!
No we are not going to get another dog right now. We decided to use the money we would spend on the dog to get our E-fund fully funded. I am usually super goal oriented but I have been emotional (hello feminine side!)and he has been great about reminding me to focus on our goals.
Sounds like you had an awesome weekend!
Sounds like a really fun weekend--glad you enjoyed it!
@ Brooke - I love the outlets! We did get some great deals, but also spent way more than we prolly should have.
@Live Simply - Go you for staying focused. That's terrific that you have your husband to help you stay focused on your goals.
@Serendipity & Frugalchick - It was a blast, I wish I could go it again!
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