Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 29th Spending

Total spent... $40.86 on groceries.

When I saw the total my stomach sank...that's the most we've spent in awhile on food. But then hubby brought it to my attention that we have $50/week budget for groceries, so we were still almost $10 under, which is really good! We spent about $12 on chicken and turkey burger which will last us at least a few weeks.

I also found this very cool consignment shop. I don't think I have been in one since I was little, but apparently one opened up in a shopping center not too far from where we live. The clothes they have are almost all name brands and stylish for a very reasonable price! I can't wait to browse the racks when I need something new :-)

I am planning on hitting the gym tonight, so if I don't end up going please get on my case tomorrow!


Esperanza said...

OOoooh Consignment shops are fun!
Patience, although are a NEED.

letterstoelijah said...

Hi there! I just found your blog and I have a question. There probably is a simple answer - but still I must ask.

You did awesome on your grocery spending. I am ashamed to admit what I spend. At the end of your post you mentioned that you are going to the gym. Do you pay for that gym membership?

God Bless....

Anonymous said...

I spent $8o today at the store. You seem to be doing fine to me!

Simplelivin' said...

Hi Dana! Thanks for stopping by! Lowering your grocery bill takes time. Making a list and not buying anything unless it's on the list helps a lot.

Yes, we do pay for a gym membership, it's $19.99/month.