Friday, December 12, 2008

December 11th Spending

Total Spent...$0!

Woohoo!!! I should keep a tally of how many no spend days we have each month and see if we can't out do the next. Yesterday was extremely long, but good. Hubby was having his 2 best friends over last night to have their weekly guy time/accountability time, and the one was bring his girlfriend so I had a friend too! I was excited to see her. Well, yesterday morning I got a call from the others girlfriend and she was coming too! Actually, they just got engaged the night before so I guess she's not his girlfriend but fiancee! Fun! We had a great time hearing her story and talking about the wedding. What is it with girls and weddings?

Today is my last day out of the office and I'm excited to come back! So excited that I'm working on Saturday too! Boo. Oh well, hopefully it'll reflect in my bonus, because the downside of being on salary means no overtime for all the extra hours I've put in :-(

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