Since we just passed that halfway point of this month (ALREADY!?!) I thought I'd check-in and see how it's going...
1. De-clutter AMAP! I've thought about it, but I haven't touched a thing. Okay, I decided I need to get rid of the shirt I wore last night. I have 2 more weeks to get a movin'!!!
2. Run 4x's and do at least one form of exercise (Wii Fit, 30 Day Shred, long walk etc.) a week. I've gone on 1 run, did the Wii Fit once, 30 day shred once, and have been on one walk. Time to start running!
3. Apply to school. I received an acceptance letter in the mail this weekend!
4. Change Gym Membership to $10/months. Not yet. Still haven't had time to go to the gym and cancel.
5. Make time for friends. I went walking with friends early in the month, and have plans to hang out with a bunch of girls on Tuesday. Some of my times have gotten compromised due to work, but at least I'm getting some friend time.
6. Work on photography. Nada yet. I took a few shots with my middle school girls, but they were just your typical fun shots with my point and shoot camera.
7. Stay level-headed with the house buying processes. So far so good. My mom scared me a little, saying that she talked to someone who said it typically takes 3-6 months. But we've been in contact with the listing agent and it seems like things are moving along at the bank just fine so far.
That's my life in a quick nutshell. I've worked the past two Saturdays which has kind of sucked. But that's how this time of year always is, so not a huge deal. The weather is consistently bipolar, warm and sunny one day and it the 50's and rainy the next.
The next two weeks I need to focus on exercising!!! And on de=cluttering. We'll see how that goes.
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4 months ago
sound like we're having similar weather! its driving me nuts :P
as far as home buying, unless you're buying a short sale property it shouldn't take that long. but when the seller needs bank approval, many times it can take up to 6 months for the bank to respond
hopefully the house stuff does not take that long.-- yikes!
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