Friday, December 18, 2009

We're DEBT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We're out of DEBT!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, it's true...we are finally debt free!!!!!!!!!!! No credit card balances, no student loans, no car loans... none! Zilch! Nada!

Can I tell you how good it feels? I don't have a noose hanging around my throat any more. I don't have to worry about throwing away money on interest on an education I received over 4 years ago. I'm free! Free as a bird! We still have rent payments, and utility bills, but it's not the same. We are paying for something that we are using, and we aren't paying extra on it (interest). We can create a new budget now for the new year that doesn't include debt payments, but savings. We can EARN interest now! Woohoo!!!

Hubby's taking me out to celebrate tomorrow night. That is if we don't get the snow storm they are calling for here in the Northeast. I've heard so many different stories from 3-4 inches to over a foot! This is a storm where we're not questions if we will get anything, but the question is how much are we going to get. According to the hour-by-hour we are in the 100% precipitation from 8am to 8pm! We all know how much weather people like to cover their butts, and are wrong, so for them to say 100% basically guarantees we'll have at least 12 hours of something. Hmm maybe it'll get me out of work. Or worse, I'll get snowed in AT work!

Have any of you experienced this storm yet?


Brooke said...


you should totally call dave ramsey today and scream it on the radio! (ps - email me if you plan on trying to call in. i can stream his show at work and i'll listen for you)

i think the storm is hitting us a little later.

Esperanza said...

omgoodness!! this is AMAZING!! :) I'M so happy for you.

The Lost Goat said...


Jerry said...

That is absolutely amazing and I have to admit that I'm a little jealous. My wife and I are out of consumer debt but we've still got a long way to go before we're completely out of debt. But, hearing success stories are motivating. Our only insurance for moving forward is a better job at this point. That's tough but a necessary move. I hope your new freedom leads to continued blessings for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and Merry Christmas to YOU!!!

HighClassLowIncome said...

Congratulations!!!! What a great way to end off 2009!!

Rising High said...

Congratulations! I bet it's the best holiday gift you give to yourself.

Canadian Saver said...

Congratulations!!!! Being debt-free is a great feeling, isn't it? Go crazy and celebrate well!!

me in millions said...

You go girl!

Live Simply- Live Well said...

way to go!! Yall have worked really hard. I am sure it feels awesome.
What are great Christmas present!!!

Anonymous said...


What an awesome way to close off 2009!!!!

Can't wait to see what big things you have planned for 2010!!!

GOOD JOB!!!!!! :)

Rochelle said...

That's a great Christmas present and what a way to start off the new year!

H.E.A. said...

I am SOOOOOOO happy for you and SOOOOOO incredibly jealous at the same time!! :)

It's inspiring to see that it really can be done!

Serendipity said...


Shelly said...

Congrats! I'm very happy for you. Debt-free feels better than anything you can purchase with a credit card!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm a bit late but CONGRATULATIONS!! :-)