Total spent...$0!!! Woohoo!!!
Our first no spend day all week...about time! Hopefully as we enter June we can get a better grip on our spending.
After work we hit up the gym which was nice. We weren't there very long though. My arms are used to my normal routine, so I've been trying to switch it up, I hope it works! I didn't have time to do cardio, just a quick 8 minute warm up on the treadmill, so today I'm going to try and burn off the extra calories I ate this weekend. Haha.
With the holiday on Monday my week is all out of whack, and I just realized that I didn't post our meal plan for the week, or a recipe on Tuesday...oops! Last night we had corn on the cob, and English muffin pizzas. Corn is one of the flavors of summer! I love it and can't wait until it's fully in season. I 'm planning on freezing some this year. While I lived at home, for as long as I can remember my mom and I would freeze corn. We would set a day aside, wake up early and hit up the corn wagon for as many dozen (baker dozen) as we could. Last year I didn't partake and I missed having 'fresh' corn all winter.
I am attending a Mary Kay party tonight and am looking forward to having fun with friends. We'll see if I can make it out without spending anything... I do love there face cleanser so we'll see. :-)
Returned (a while ago!)
4 months ago
i love girls nights :)
this weekend has gotten me all confused too!
don't wanna brag but as hard as you work you'll appreciate this too - i paid a huge chunk (1/3 of the total payoff value) on our land. we're that much close to being debt free!
May seemed like a spendy month for me, too--I'm ready for a low-key June!
I never thought about freezing corn, I might have to try that. :) And it's okay about the makeup. My weakness is the MAC store.
@ Brooke - CONGRATS!!! That is so freaking awesome!!! I know that you want to have that paid off and now you are so much closer!
@ Frugalchick - Yes! Bring on June and fuller wallets!
@ Serendipity - It's really not that hard. I will post steps and pictures when I do it, but that won't be for awhile. There are so many good products, but with a friend hosting a party of some sort every month you have to say no somewhere. :-(
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