Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 3rd Spending

Total Spent..$0! Yes!

It snowed on and off all day, so was not in the mood to go out if I didn't have to, and lucky hubby wasn't either. Plus, I had a slow cooker full of yummy food at home waiting for me. Unfortunately that means I didn't get to the gym either.

We woke up this morning with about 4 inches of snow...enough to get the schools closed, so lucky hubby doesn't have to go to work. I on the other hand wasn't so lucky. I did go in later than normal though, which was nice.

I"m not much of a TV watcher, but the one show I love is Lost...and it's on tonight! This season has be awesome so I cannot wait to watch it!!! Any other Losties out there???

1 comment:

Forest said...

I'm a huge Lost fan and have watched from the beginning but this season I don't have DVR...and it's so hard for me to plan my schedule around a tv show, so I'm waiting for the DVDs. Of course, I'm totally afraid I'm going to hear about anything major that happens but that's just a risk I'm going to have to take.