Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 30th Spending

Total Spent...$0! Yes! I think I'm going to keep track of how many no spending days we have next year.

I also got my butt in gear and went to the gym (yay!!!). Since we have tomorrow and Friday off, I'm hoping we'll be able to get to the gym at least twice before I go back to work on Monday. I'm curious to see if our weak economy has any effect on the influx of gym attenders. It never fails that every year between the end of December and February gyms are over crowded. I guess between over eating during the holidays and New Years Resolutions people make an effort to change. It's sad though that most stop going after a month or two.

Speaking of resolutions, I'm not one for making them, but I do have a list of goals for 2009 that I'm hoping to get posted today.

1 comment:

Esperanza said...

Great Job keeping up w/ the GYM!!
yay...Happy New Years Eve :)