Hey! Remember me? It has been waayy too long! But it's time for me to get my butt in gear and be held responsible. I've been slacking. Hardcore. As in, totally not keeping track of my spending. At all. Not good.
I've been reading through some old blogs that I used to read and I came across Sallie's Niece who said she was catching up on her goals. It made me think about my goals, and how I honestly can't even remember what half of them were! That is so bad!
The last time I made monthly goal list was in May! As in 5 almost 6 months ago! Crazy!!!!
So I'm going to walk through them and see how much I've failed (or how much I've accidentally accomplished) :-)
MAY GOALS: I wish I could remember back to May to see how I did for the month, but I'll look back over the past 6 months.
1. De-clutter AMAP! (As much as possible). Umm so yeah. I ended up throwing everything into bags and moving it to our new place. Considering half my tee shirts are still in a bag maybe I should really take the time to go through and get rid of more stuff.
2. Run 4x's and do at least one form of exercise (Wii Fit, 30 Day Shred, long walk etc.) a week. Nope. I gave up on running. And exercise? What's that? I think the Wii has been used a total of 3 times since we moved, no idea where The Shred is located, it's getting cold outside and I'm limited in what I'm allowed to do with exercise anyways. No excuses though. I could at least walk around my house since the downstairs is just a big loop.
3. Apply to school. Applied, started and 2 classes completed. Oh yeah! Finally something I've done!
4. Change Gym Membership to $10/months. Nope. I canceled it. They told me in order to change the membership they had to treat it like I was closing out my current one and opening a new one, which meant I had to pay the start up fee. Um, no thank you.
5. Make time for friends. I've been pretty good with this over the past few months. We had a pumpkin carving party at our house last weekend, so we got to see lots of friends :-)
6. Work on photography. Sadly, not so much. With all the beautiful leaves I've been aching to get out and shot, but it just hasn't happened.
7. Stay level-headed with the house buying processes. I think I was in tears once and it was the third time they had to push back our settlement. But all is good and we have been happily in our home for almost 3 months now.
2010 Goals Ugg! I'm scared to look!
1. Car/House savings. This one's hard to measure. Considering we had enough to actually buy and house AND buy a new-to-us car, I'd say it was accomplished. Now to build the fund back up.
2. Increase our emergency fund to $5,000. This was completed. To be honest I'm not exactly sure where we stand on this, because some of the money is in hubby's bank and I screwed up the online sign-in, so I can't check. This will need to be increased since our living expenses have increased.
3. Read 35 books. I was chugging through them at the beginning of the year, but with the house and school I've been at a stand still. Can the books for my classes count? That will help bump me up a bit. :-) I know I have to be close, I'll have to sign into my library account and check.
4. Work out on average 3 times a week. As mentioned under my May goals, I've failed. Maybe I've done 3 times a month? Maybe. That is so sad for me. Again, I'm using the house as an excuse, and then just sheer tiredness and my classes.
5. Learn a new a new trade. I can paint. Does that count? Lol. Like I mentioned before, I started making some jewelry, but like everything else in my life, that has been put on hold.
6. De-clutter and organize. Umm yeah. Again, it needs done. Organizing has been a slow process, but slowly I'm learning what works best for our house. It doesn't help that we still have paint supplies under are bathroom sink. And the shelves for the laundry room laying on the nursery floor for the kitties to climb on.
7. Make more of an effort with friends. See my May response above. Finally something I've done!
8. Have 125 No Spend Days. No clue. Like I said, I haven't been tracking anything. Since we don't have any extra money to spend right now, I'd say we are almost there :-)
9. Read the entire New Testament. Sadly this is a complete fail. Does it make me a bad Christian that I haven't cracked my Bible open (except for church) since we've moved. To be honest, my 'house Bible' is still packed.
10. Become a Momma. Got this one covered. (As the little one inside me kicks to let he/her presences known).
So this has become quite a long post, but I want you guys to hold me responsible for my spending/saving and posting about it.
I'm trying to find more time to do so, and to comment on your blogs. I still read 'em, even if I'm silent.
Returned (a while ago!)
3 months ago
okay now that you've made the effort to climb back up on this here wagon, it'd be a waste to fall back off. why don't yall start preparing your November goals/budget this weekend?
I'm glad your back! And I completely agree with Brooke. Just climb back and and get started all over again, with Novembers goals and budget. :)
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