Total spent...$44.48 on gas. Actually I need to get gas also, but it's kind of hard to get when your stuck on the couch.
I am hardly ever sick and forgot how boring it is. It probably doesn't help that Halloween is this weekend, so EVERYTHING on TV is about Halloween. Hour after hour of the same thanks. It doesn't help that I think TV boring anyways. My body ached to bad to sleep and reading required to much energy. Not fun.
My fever is significantly lower today, and I have a little appetite, so I'm doing better. I'm hoping I can get a little bit of light cleaning done today since I worked all last weekend and I need something to do. Speaking of working, I received my check from working 4 days. I now have $330 to play with. I still need to get my car inspected (is the end of the month really tomorrow??), so that will be taken care of and anything leftover will probably go toward Christmas. Can you believe that it's only 8 weeks away!?!?! Less than 4 till Thanksgiving! Are you ready?
14/15 NSD
Returned (a while ago!)
2 months ago
Feel better hun. Being sick is the pits. :(
sorry you're not feeling well.
i'm already getting excited about christmas!! :)
hope you start feeling better soon. get some rest!
I am so not ready for the holidays! I need to find a dining room set before we have family over for Thanksgiving, and I only have 2 Christmas gifts bought so far. I need to get focused!
I hope you get to feeling better soon.
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