Saturday, February 14, 2009

Frugal February Tip #13

Tip #13 - Save some money and your health by making your own cleaning products. There's a good chance that you already have what you need in your kitchen. Baking soda and white vinegar are the most basics, but you can also use lemon juice and essential oils. Check out this EHow for more suggestions.
  • Windows - mix 2 cups water, 1/4 cup vinegar, and 1/2 teaspoon of Dawn in a spray bottle
  • Floors- add 1/4 cup vinegar to a quart of hot water
  • Bathroom (tub, toilet etc.) - mix equal parts vinegar and water, with a touch of Dawn
  • Lemon juice is also great at dissolving soap scum and hard water build up
  • Baking soda is great for scouring sinks, and also works great to deodorize carpet. Sprinkle on the carpet, sweep it in with a broom, let it sit for a few hours the just vacuum up
  • Grind a lemon or orange peel in your garbage disposal to freshen it up
Just think about all the chemicals your will be ridding from your home, and all the money you will be saving by doing so!

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